You Have Turned My Mourning Into Dancing
TUE Ev Prayer Reflection 032321 (Jeremiah 25: 8-17; Romans 10:1-13; John 9:18-41) After reading today’s scriptures, I couldn’t help it but think of the way we tend to act within our relationship with God. When two people are dancing together, we usually expect one person to take the lead. When both dancers try to lead at the same time, things don’t turn out well because one goes to the left as the other tries to go the right: Disaster: someone’s feet get trampled on! In the same way, we should let God lead in our relationship with Him. We can’t both lead! I can see this scenario in what Jesus said: ‘ I came into this world for judgement so that those who do not see may see, and those who do see may become blind. ’ If we think we see (and begin to lead) in our relationship with God, then we have no idea that we are truly blind. But if we let God lead in the relationship, that’s when we will truly begin to see (and find Salvation). Scripture tells us further that Some of the P...