Jesus Is The Answer.
Our OT lesson in Exodus 17 begins with the words: “From the wilderness of sin…” (Not a good place to be!) How fitting this is because Israelites were in quite a messy situation; I am afraid this is a situation we might be familiar with. Have you ever been in a situation where you were 100% sure that your plan was going to work out and it doesn’t? Total disappointment! It was kind of like that for Israel. They were now out of Egypt (God had led them through victory after victory so far!). Now they were on their way to the promised land but, as you know, patience is a virtue that is rare not only in our own families but also in Israel. This time, though, they were in dire straits! They faced lack of water. That’s like a death sentence in the desert, except that they were a people of faith. How did they react? Well, they looked at how bad the situation was and freaked out. They forgot they were people of faith. We fall into that! Many times! Jesus comes with a solution for us: your secur...