Prepare For An Encounter With God
What would an encounter with the divine look like? I read with great curiosity stories like how Moses encountered God. The Jewish description of these experiences is often vivid and graphic. For the longest time, I have always wondered what are the common denominators between these OT divine experiences versus our own modern experiences. What’s different? Why don't we see God walking with us in the same way that He walked with Israel? For example, when Moses came down from the mountain after talking with God, his skin was shining. It’s as if the residues of God’s beauty and nature stayed on him! That would be difficult to see the same today. But we hear in the New estament that Jesus disciples were used by Holy Spirit to heal many people even by touching a handkerchief the Apostles touched. These are amazing experiences of the Holy Spirit that are part of the life of a believer. We get changed when we meet with God! How I wish such encounters with God for us! Today we remember the...