Wake us up!
Today I want to talk about my pathway to become a disciple of Jesus. We all have a unique story of how we came to have a relationship with God! Some of you, have had this strong relationship with God from the very beginning. Others like me rebelled a bit before we returned to God. My journey to have a serious relationship with God started during the war. It was like I was spiritually awakened from a long sleep! I thought I was very “religious” growing up and I went to mass every Sunday but there were times I felt something was missing, I didn’t know how much I needed God and I didn’t know how to go about it, in seeking him. Sometimes I wonder why did it have to take a war to wake me up and realize my constant need for God. S ometimes in life, we need to be woken up as well, woken up from our complacency, our denial that we are not absolutely spiritually bankrupt! No no! I am fine! We tell ourselves! What are you talking about? P erhaps we need to be woken up from our cozy s...