Wake us up!
Today I want to talk about my
pathway to become a disciple of Jesus. We all have a unique story of how we
came to have a relationship with God! Some of you, have had this strong
relationship with God from the very beginning. Others like me rebelled a bit
before we returned to God. My journey to have a serious relationship with God started
during the war. It was like I was spiritually awakened from a long sleep! I thought
I was very “religious” growing up and I went to mass every Sunday but there
were times I felt something was missing, I didn’t know how much I needed God
and I didn’t know how to go about it, in seeking him. Sometimes I wonder why
did it have to take a war to wake me up and realize my constant need for God. Sometimes
in life, we need to be woken up as well, woken up from our complacency, our
denial that we are not absolutely spiritually bankrupt! No no! I am fine! We
tell ourselves! What are you talking about? Perhaps we need to be woken
up from our cozy slumber that tells us in our sleep, I got all I need in life, It’s
sufficient for me. I was indeed woken up and realized how much, I am nothing
without God.
To follow Jesus is not an easy
journey. The Bible speaks about this as the narrow path. Yes, it was a narrow
path for me. One moment I thought I was fine, but I came to realize how my
faith was shaky and that I was not okay. During the war, my thought pattern was
such that there was no peace in my heart, there was anger, sadness, so much
disquietness in my soul, so much unwholesome talk, nothing that was Gospel like.
I woke up! That’s what happened. There was that moment of my life before and my
life after that. God got hold of me! I had to wake up and see how my life
needed to change! My suffering in the refugee camps made me re-think everything
about my life.
We need to wake up from our
slumber, we don’t need a tragedy to be the one to wake us up. Follow Jesus! Follow
Jesus! This is what was in my mind. I finally caught the fire! The same fire
that St Peter, Paul, St Andrew caught. The same fire Jesus is talking about in
our Gospel Reading. The word “Fire” is used in different ways in the Bible. Two
of them interested me: it could mean punishment, or the power of the Holy
Spirit. In this case, I am convinced fire here, is describing the power of the
Holy Spirit that resurrected our Lord Jesus, and the one that propels a life to
a pathway of discipleship. I was now on this path to discipleship. Dietrich
Bonhoeffer was a German theologian who was murdered for opposing Hitler. He
wrote a book called the cost of discipleship. There is a cost following Jesus.
When we begin to be serious
about our faith, it’s like there are forces in the world that try to stop us,
to make us sleep... That’s why Jesus says once anyone catch this fire, there
will be divisions: parents, children, in-laws… In my case, when some of my
siblings heard that I was saved, they tried everything they could to verify if
I had really changed. I did confess that at times, I was angry inside but
didn’t react like I used to. I needed to wake up and I wanted my life to change
for the better despite all the appalling refugee situation around me! It was as
if I had been dancing to the world’s luring tune that makes us slumber and
forget the very Christian values we were taught from the very beginning. Don’t
Give in! Close your ears to its worldly melody, try meeting your Christian
brothers and sisters every week, to study and learn something new of your faith
in God. You see, Jesus once said: “When the Son of Man comes, will he find
faith on earth?” Someone, sound the alarm! Wake us up! This is our warning…
if we can predict when tornadoes and hurricanes are coming, why can’t we predict
what’s after this godlessness around us? We need to wake up, to wake each other
up! Talk to me if I am slightly distracted from my goal to serve Jesus Christ!
Keep your lamps burning and ready with sufficient oil like in Jesus’ parable.
Now, there is a possibility
that we may not always realize that we are in a cozy place and that’s not a
good thing! We may be like the frog enjoying so much the warm water and not
realize that the temperature is getting higher and higher, instead of jumping
out, he stays until he boils. The world is like that for us. Jesus is telling
us that we need to wake up, rely on the power of the Holy Spirit with us every
moment, to be guided by Holy Scriptures into godliness, to be transformed
moment by moment into the likeness of Christ our Savior.
What a moment we have
here now, to desire today a serious relationship with Jesus Christ of Nazareth.
It can begin here at the Holy Communion Table if you want it. In the name of
God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit! Amen.
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