We all have intentions!
Whether we are aware or not, we do have intentions. We can decide to do many
things in life: You could say you want (1) to lead by example or (2) to forgive
others and yourself or (3) love someone in your life unconditionally. All
this begins deep in our hearts, with an intention as our driving force. We are
built to protect ourselves, to project ourselves ahead! Our culture tells us to
be assertive! Take the first seat! Be noticeable! it’s in our DNA. It is the
way to success! Jesus seems to look at this idea differently. He was invited
into a Pharisee’ s home and some of the guests rush to better seats. I am not
sure if Jesus was the guest of honor but Jesus words sounded to me like a
rebuke. I felt like saying: Right! Tell them Jesus! They should not think so
highly of themselves! Oops, He might be talking about me too! There is a
reason why we love places of honor, to be honored/ praised/valued. This may be
us trying to fill a void that is meant for God. It seems like those who sat in
the back did great because the back seems like a place of humility, where you
wait to be uplifted. But upon examining our intentions, we may be surprised at
what Jesus is getting at.
Can our ambitions and intentions
be good and healthy? Yes, we can serve Christ with all our hearts, soul and
strength. But when our ambitions and intentions are nourished by worldly
pursuits of our selfish desires and passions, they can land us into trouble. King
Saul started well when he was elected, but at the end of his life, he lost the
favor of God because he let things get to his head and started chasing young
David. Jesus warns us that we ought to be humble and wait to be lifted up,
instead of elevating ourselves. Jesus does it like this: “Hey, don’t do this
because it will bring shame on you. This behavior is unbecoming of you.”
Jesus is at it teaching us; very observant of course! I love looking for a
close parking to the entrance of the grocery store. Anyone else? Maybe I should
park a little far to allow others to park closer. A little walk would do me good!
Why did they choose places of
honor? Mind you Jesus didn’t ask it that way! I did. Was it
because they thought they deserved it? Or was it an honest mistake? Were
they hoping the host might be ashamed to remove them from their seat? Were
they thinking they aren’t valued like it should be and this would be the
way to convince people? If this was so, then there might be a wound somewhere
there that says I am not good enough. Often, we look on the outside, but God
looks on the inside. Jesus intention is to heal us, starting with our
intentions. Many of us live with similar wounds. Humans of New York is a story
that comes often on Facebook. A young man told a story of how his mother was
obsessed with knowing the exact words his teachers used to compliment him. He
realized that his mother cared so much about what other people think. As a
result, he also ended up wanting to please people. Is that a wound? Yes. You
are valued and appreciated by God regardless, even if none else cares to
mention it or to realize it. May be somewhere there that person has always felt
undervalued, unappreciated from childhood. Jesus wants to heal us at that very
point of our need. He says to us: I have come to give you life in abundance! I
have redeemed you! In order for Jesus to address these wounds within us, we
need to cooperate, let Him in, and seek His divine healing.
What is humility? Being humble
does not mean in any way, that we are to bow down to other people against our
will. It doesn’t mean to be a doormat or a wimp either. No. It’s another level
of courage! What God means is that we must examine our motives and attitudes;
how we respond to others, asking forgiveness when we need to. E.g. Honey, I am
sorry. I didn’t want to admit that I was wrong. I was wrong! This
can be hard, that’s why it’s an act of courage! Humility may mean putting the
needs of another person before your own, and thinking of others before
yourself. It may also mean not drawing attention to yourself, e.g. Hey look I
am in the back seat, just like Jesus said!
nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more
significant than yourselves. Let each of you look not only to his own
interests, but also to the interests of others. Have this mind among
yourselves, which was in Christ Jesus, who, though he was in the form of God,
did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, but emptied himself, by
taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men. And being
found in human form, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of
death, even death on a cross. Therefore, God has highly exalted him and
bestowed on him the name that is above every name.” Phil 2
Jesus is offering
himself as a healing medicine to wrap around the wounds of our hearts. Will you
let Him in?
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