Imagine we are at Calvary! It was called the place of the skull. How fitting! Lives are taken! Our modern Calvary would be like the electric chair or the fatal injection. Now imagine we are there, on your left there are women wailing, on your right a crowd watching Jesus on the cross and in front of them, the leaders and the soldiers taunting and scoffing at Jesus saying King save yourself! Just like we also ask Jesus you are God why don’t you intervene in my case! For the purpose of this sermon I have brought a real cross with an inscription on it: King of the Jews: Scandal. The two criminals who were crucified with Jesus one on each of his side, their inscription clearly says what crime they did to deserve death. Jesus was condemned to death for being: King of the Jews. Today we celebrate the feast of Christ the King, yet it doesn’t seem like a celebration, does it? because there is wailing, and suffering on the cross! The crown of thorns brought out blood all over Jesus’...