Celebrating the journey of the Saints

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You might have heard a phrase that says: “A purposeless life is not worth living!” Some people get good meaning in their lives when they aspire to great achievements! The Guinness world record features people who have reached their particular area highest achievement in the world. Some of it gross me out, but It’s record-breaking! It takes a special talent. We admire great achievements (Oscars and Grammy's you name it!), in fact, the apostle Paul encourages believers to follow Jesus with determination, to outdo each other in respecting each other! Yet I somehow see a difference because a Christian life isn’t geared towards record breaking! It’s not our ultimate goal! our ultimate goal is finishing the race. Well What can I say? Competing is in our nature. We want to know who is the very best among us. The Roman church has a whole department that deals with sainthood. People who have been exceptional in their spiritual journey here on earth. A journey we wish we can emulate. Before someone is canonized or remembered as a saint, lots of parameters are considered. In the TEC we also do have saints that we respect! While reading the Bible, I get a sense that record breaking isn’t really our goal but rather, the goal/purpose of a true follower of Christ, is striving towards Union with Christ. The important part not being the first, but rather finishing the race! Remember Jesus said the first will be last! Our goal is moving every day towards oneness with Christ.
Our OT lesson today speaks of the saints as the Holy ones of the Most-High as seen in Daniel’s vision. They are the saints of God who have believed in Jesus Christ and his word of truth and lived a life worthy of him. Allow me to describe it like a grand heavenly drama on canvas! We are shown the saints in the presence of God Almighty. There is a scene we are not shown of how the saints got there. Their journey wasn’t a glamorous one! It was the way of the Cross: Suffering. The Saints knew, following Jesus was the only way to everlasting peace, real purpose and life, but the world ways filtered themselves in our lives little by little and made our journey of following Jesus more like secondary…
True followers of Christ have wrestled and battled all these obstacles, that hamper their relationship with God. Their spiritual journey was more important than what the world has to offer. They chose Union with Christ.
The saints stood their ground despite pressure. In some cases, they even lost their lives. This week, we remembered the Martyrs of Uganda. Their allegiance was primarily to Jesus. But King Kabaka of Uganda was furious about it. He ordered them killed if they didn’t denounce their faith. But none came forward. So, his son perished alongside other Christian believers. Scripture tells us that Jesus did not go up to joy but first he suffered pain and entered not into glory before he was crucified. He paved the way for us. It wasn’t the red carpet first, there was suffering.
Yes, there will be a cost to true discipleship! It may be your time, it may be finances, it may even be family. Jesus said: “Follow me! even though you suffer, you will be blessed. Even though you may be hated and reproached, you will be blessed.” There is a reward in heaven: A hope of a life too beautiful to describe with words. So, we may be tempted to ask: “But Jesus you are God, why do we have to suffer when we follow you, we don’t like to suffer!” Changing the world around us doesn’t require magic! Real people work at it. Our very Christian identity is in direct opposition to the values of this world. God wants to involve us through freedom, intelligence and creativity to bring about the Kingdom of God on earth. The closer we get to uniting with Jesus, the brightest Christ’s witness get.
You might ask me; how do I get to be united with Christ? Love the Lord your God with all your heart mind and strength, and love your neighbor as yourself. This in itself may mean changing the way I spend my time. It may mean regarding the person I counted as my enemy as also a creature of God worth of honor and respect. It may mean spending quality time with my family.
Seek God like never before, make sure that this house of God is a place of love and healing, where those without hope, without purpose, without peace and joy, can come and find respite among us. If you give hugs, it’s a gift! Give hugs! If the Holy Spirit is nudging you to make a difference, Yes Go ahead make a difference in someone else’s life. We are a spiritual Hospital after all!
Let the Holy Spirit leads you into Union with Christ! Amen!


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