Finding Life in the midst of chaos (Numbers 20: 1-13; Matthew 20: 29-34)
FRI MP Reflection 06/25/20 (Numbers 20: 1-13; Matthew 20: 29-34) “There was no water for the congregation” That was the problem. It is a major problem not to underestimate. Water is life giving, total absence of it is like a death sentence. In the face of such trouble, how do we react? Do we pass on the blame to someone? That’s what happened to Israelites in the desert. People quarreled with Moses: “Why have you brought the assembly of the Lord into the wilderness to die?” This is very human. It is our condition: We pass the blame, because somehow it feels like if we are the innocent victims, it is soothing to know who is responsible, as if that would take the problem/ calamity away. We all know that blame does not fix anything, but from a very young age, all humans love it nevertheless. We scapegoat, someone has to take the blame. Christians were blamed for the burning of Rome by Nero. Almost every warring faction puts blame on the other side, and both have different ideas of...