Respect GOD and expect from GOD

400 Respect Quotes That Will Make Your Life Better (Today)
FRI MP 071720 (Joshua 4:19-5:1, 5:10-15)
The first part of the end of Chapter 4 of the book of Joshua concerns teaching the next generation. In my home country, there is a proverb that says: “If you steal with your baby in the back, the baby surely takes cues from you” There is a lot of truth in that. Who knows what we, as parents do or say in the presence of our little ones! We have to behave at all times because young one’s brains are like sponges, they absorb everything! It’s worse for parents who are preachers. Please don’t quote me on that! Others might disagree and say speak for yourself! Preachers can have bad days too. Joshua’s concern here, was for the next generation to know what happened when they crossed the Jordan river to possess the promised land. I am assuming Joshua didn’t want them one day to feel entitled, he wanted them to know how God fought for them.
If we neglect to properly teach our kids, they may grow up with issues. They may not understand right from wrong especially if parents’ responses confuse them, causing them to act like us. Have you heard people say things like: Gosh I sound like my father or my mother when I am angry? It’s ingrained in our psyche! God help us. We, in Rwanda, learn tribalism of Hutus and Tutsis by listening to conversations at home, I am sure in Northern Ireland, Catholics and Protestants learned the conflict from their parents. So are the Tuareg people in Mali and Niger or the Khmer rouge in Cambodia and Northern Vietnam. We perpetuate these conflicts by teaching our children bad attitudes towards troubled history. Joshua wanted kids to learn the right attitudes to ensure a bright future. What are we teaching our kids?
The second part begins with Chapter 5 of Joshua. It tells us that the tribes of Israel had an advantage because their enemies feared them. Their enemies found out how powerful is the God of Israel. If we could know and have faith in our God, I guarantee you, everything around us would tremble. To this point, God had been feeding them, lodging them. Isn’t this the best case of welfare? Yes, they were on a journey so they couldn’t produce so God fed them.
This was a happy period for Israel, they were winning, possessing the promised land, and then at some point, manna (the heavenly bread) had to stop. I am imagining they were not happy about it. The Bible does not tell us that there were such problems, but you and I know how we do when change comes. Some of us don’t do well with change. It can be uncomfortable when we lose what we were used to. You can’t do this, you can hug anyone, you can’t… Look at it this way: Yes, no Manna, but there will now be a variety of food from the crops! There must be a silver lining somewhere.
God has the power to stop the source of our comforts. When he does, it’s not to annoy us but there is a good reason that benefit us. He stopped the flow of the Jordan river so Israelites can cross on dry ground. That must have been hard on communities around that used the water from the Jordan. I didn’t think of it. Sometimes our comforts do need to be taken away so we can learn to be without. Of course, it was a pleasant miracle for God’s people. In the same way don’t we cross on dry ground every day that God protects us in grocery stores. God stops the viruses from flowing, so that God’s people may go unharmed. Do you believe me? Well, we believe in the same God that dried a river so His people can cross on dry land!
Then as if these miracles were enough, Joshua gets to meet Jesus. Why do I think that He met Jesus? It was the commander of the Army of the Lord [Usually angels decline that humans worship them]. Like Moses at the burning bush, Joshua get asked to remove his sandals for the place was Holy.
What am I learning? Comforts may be removed, doors closed, but other doors do open. Do we whine, yes, understandably but God still loves us! You may be battling an enemy: illness, poverty, greed, or a huge obstacle/inconvenience God intends to defeat it for you. May be like Joshua, Jesus is standing right before you, take off your shoes, learn to respect and expect from God! The commander of the Lord’s Army is ready to fight that battle for you. Be blessed.


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