Are You A Good Follower of Jesus Christ?

Disciple Defined | 5 Characteristics of Genuine Christ Followers

 Sunday 092720 (17th Sunday after Pentecost)

Forbes business magazine published an article in 2015 entitled: Are you a Leader or a Follower? I thought: does it really matter? One can’t exist without the other however, to be a good leader, you have to be a good follower… You can see I am passionate about that stuff… Aristotle said that: "He who cannot be a good follower, cannot be a good leader." We genuinely love following our own will rather than following someone else’s. It is in our nature. Parents with teenage kids know something about that. That’s why following is hard work and demanding, it is not just doing what you are told. Trouble comes when we fail to follow as instructed, things go haywire! Both leader and follower have to do well for things to function well. If not disputes or misunderstandings develop. There was such dispute between God and Israel. Israel had failed to be a good follower and yet accused God for being unfair. Unfortunately, this happens too often… In any group, you find people who are instigators. My theory is that they are often the ones that finds it hard to be good followers. (i.e It was instigators that incited others to shout the name Barabbas in front of Pontius Pilate) You may have noticed that, people who are often unable to follow simple rules, are the ones that projects what’s wrong to others. [simple rules may be like: don't litter] Instigators are not fun to be with, because they love disputes and conveniently get out of it while others face consequences. (You can tell I watched lots of cartoons!) The prophet Ezekiel told us how this group of Jews in captivity accused God for punishing children for the sins of their ancestors. God defended himself saying: Do you have the nerve of accusing me of being unfair? Is it not your ways that are unfair? Now fast forward to 2020: We see unfairness and blame all around us. God is right! We are unfair, and we also project it to others.

God presented the evidence: “When the righteous turn away from their righteousness and commit iniquity, they shall be punished for it. Again, when the wicked turn away from wickedness and do what is lawful and right, they shall live.” That's fair right? In other words, we should admit our shortcomings and change. That is the call. Frankly, I’d rather be in the category that admit their wrongs and turn back to God! We need to do that daily! Every morning, we should try to begin with a new heart and a renewed spirit before God. Otherwise, God says: “Why would you want to die O house of Israel? I have no pleasure in the death of anyone… Turn to me and live.”

Being a good follower is hard work! You have to keep up with the rules, you have to stay informed and act within the boundaries of expectations. This applies for anyone in life. For example, a good citizen follows the law… Are you a good follower? Paul told Philippians, to learn from the humble example of Jesus, who… emptied himself taking the form of a slave, being born in human likeness… and became obedient to the point of death. Jesus showed us what a good follower should looked like! By taking the human form, Jesus wanted to bestow on us the divine… where we would be empowered to follow like He expects us. Otherwise, how can we follow Jesus, if we don’t know Him or if we are simply not good followers in life? Paul says: “It is God who is at work in you, enabling you, both to will and to work for his good pleasure.”

The Gospel according to Matthew presents us with the same teaching: Jesus asked his hearers a question using a parable: A man had two sons. He asked the first to go to work in the vineyard and he declined but changed his mind later and went. The second declined and still didn’t go. Which one did the will of the Father? In order words, which of the two sons is a good follower? What do you think? They replied: Naturally the first. Wait for it… Truly I tell you; the tax collectors and prostitutes are going into the Kingdom of God ahead of you! O Lord, help us to know how to repent quickly and turn back to you!

Beloved, brothers and sisters! I believe we are encouraged here to review of our relationship with God. To be honest with ourselves, least we think we are already there and know it; to be on our knees in prayer; and genuinely ask forgiveness from God. He is a merciful God! He does not want anyone to perish!

Seek to have the mind of Christ, so you can be a good follower.



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