Know Your Enemy: Breastplate of Righteousness | Righteousness, Sermon  series, Enemy

WED EP Reflection 092320 (PS 119: 97-120; Luke 4:1-13) Know your enemy!

Psalm 119: 105 tells us that the Word of God is a lamp to guide my feet and a light for my path. This is simply reality for all believers. Without the Word of God lighting the way, we would simply be walking in darkness and potentially incurring injury from a fall. This scenario fits a person whose walk is not informed by the Word of God. When a person doesn’t know the enemy, it is easy to fall into his traps! We should know the enemy if we are to defeat him. I am talking about the devil, Satan or the evil one. Luke tells the story of Jesus temptation and tells us that it was at the beginning of Jesus ministry. I was listening to a preacher who explained well these temptations, that’s what I want to share with you.

I was surprised to learn that the devil uses a pattern when he tempts his victims. The same temptations he attacked Jesus with, the serpent had also attacked Adam, the first man God created. Gen 3: 1- 6. The woman said: Of course, we may eat fruit from the trees in the garden, it’s only fruit from the tree in the middle of the garden that we are not allowed to eat. God said: You must not eat it [true] or even touch it [false]; if you do, you will die. Eve is not the only one to add more to God’s word, the serpent also added to it, but only the serpent contradicted this report. The serpent replied to the woman: You won’t die! [false] God knows that your eyes will be opened as soon as you eat it, [true and an addition] and you will be like God [partly true even Jesus, being in the form of God did not consider equality with God a thing to be grasped Philippians 2:6] , knowing both good and evil [true].

We see these 3 categories of temptation in 1 John 2:16 For all that is in the world: (Cat. 1) lust of the flesh or a craving for physical pleasure; (Cat. 2) lust of the eye or a craving for everything we see; and (Cat. 3) pride in our achievements and possessions or the pride of life. Eve was caught by the second category: the lust of the eye: Craving for the forbidden fruit. In Jesus temptation in the wilderness, all three categories were represented: the stone looked like a bread, and Jesus was hungry. Satan was offering a shortcut to intense hunger, Jesus body needed food. Satan tries to attack us at our weakest point. This is why knowing our enemy’s strategy is helpful so we can identify it even before we seriously consider it. Jesus replied: “Man shall not live on bread alone.” His reply is the word of God from Deut.8: 3.

The preacher I was listening to said: “Even I have to look back at what I preach and learn to live it out…to resist the devil and refuse the shortcut.” The shortcut is offered to us so that, we may satisfy our need without trusting God for it. Satan knows how intense our cravings of this need is, and he is content stirring up our emotions so we can believe that this need must be satisfied now urgently if not, we will die. Of course, it’s a lie… the more we focus on the need, the less fighting we will put up in resisting. I was reminded of Abraham and Sarah. Sarah couldn’t wait, the need to have an heir (a kid) was so intense for her, that she suggested a shortcut. This created a heavy burden in the family with the birth of Ismael from Hagar the servant. This could be category 3: pride of our achievements.

Satan always find news ways to dish out these 3 categories. He tried to tempt Jesus with category 2: the lust of the eyes. “The Kingdoms of the world belong to me, and I can give them to whom I want.” The devil said. Jesus did not contradict this, he said in John 12: 31 that Satan is the ruler of the world; the god of this world in 2 Cor 4: 4 and the prince of the powers of the air in Eph 2: 2. But he did reply that: “You shall worship God only”. It is true that our cravings are connected to worship, the more we want things, we bow down to them, what you love is what you serve. We are basically offering ourselves to that which we are craving for by wanting to possess them.

Jesus did reply also to category 3. You may wonder how jumping from the pinnacle of the temple would be appealing to the pride of life. We must admit it would be amazing, but Jesus responded that you shall not put the Lord your God to the test. Satan wants to offer us a shortcut, to bypass suffering and due process. Satan says: Why wait? Get it now satisfy your need! But the truth is, it is through those difficulties/sufferings that the Lord teaches us lessons. Satan wants us to avoid the difficulties and use a shortcut to satisfy our needs. God says I will be with you through it all. Don’t be exhausted trying to fix it in your own way. Hebr. 5: 7-8 says Jesus learned obedience through what he suffered. We often want to learn things without suffering. Satan left Jesus until another opportune time. Satan is an opportunist, we should be ready to counter his attacks with the word of God/ the power of the Spirit.




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