A Day of Pentecost in a believer's life

The feast of Tabernacles was at a time when Israel’s farmers wait in hope for the first rain and the start of a new and fertile planting year. New Beginnings just like at Pentecost! They celebrate the harvest and God’s promises to bless them, of which the Ezek. vision of a life-giving river flowing from the new temple, giving life to everything. This story is linked with Pentecost. Jesus had been watching the celebrations and on the last of 7days, Jesus offered an invitation. [I know that Jesus knew the troubles of each and every person in the crowds. He understood the weight/gravity of every burden] and then, shouted out: “Let anyone who is thirsty come to me, and let one who believes in me drink.” In other words, He says: Come to my fountain of life-giving water: if anyone who believes in me wants spiritual blessings, eternal joy no matter how fatigued you might be feeling carrying your cross, your burdens, your pain, I am your relief! Drink to your content! The Bible uses this imagery of water 722 times, and of course, God knows we wouldn’t survive without it. Water can symbolize life, the Spirit of God... Jesus told the Samaritan woman at the well, "Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again; but whoever drinks the water I shall give, will never thirst". Regardless, be open to this ever-flowing water that Jesus is offering [from within us: His word]. On this day of Pentecost, I hope we learn about the work of the Holy Spirit among us. How can we, the church become springs of life-giving water? Paul told Ephesians to be renewed in the spirit of their minds. What did he mean? Step away often from your daily routines and step into prayer and the Bible reading, because Jesus says his words are spirit, and life. So, be soaked in God’s word because, out of the treasures of your heart, will sprout life for others to quench their thirst. E.g. (1) Those who come regularly to MP have felt the power of God’s goodness in their lives: our souls are refreshed, we feel joy, and divine protection: the Holy Spirit working amongst us! (2) Because of your generosity, St Andrew’s is able to bless people’s lives who are in distress. The Holy Spirit working! Of course, we will have many obstacles in our spiritual journeys: that may look like the desert, spiritually thirsty and seemingly no relief. (The Disciples' discomfort waiting… or Israelites discomfort journeying for 40 years) Spiritual deserts are like disappointments in life; our grief… But when we trust God, all of this is absorbed in the life-giving water that flowed from Jesus’ side on the cross. This picture of water and blood flowing from Jesus’ side is for the life and healing of the world. There is a strong connection between this water from the Lord and the river in Ezek. Vision flowing from the new temple to bless the world, which brings to mind the Holy Spirit coming to us! Water and blood are symbols used for cleaning/purification from sin. Now we have come to understand Jesus’ words that: “the water He gives us, will become in us a spring of water gushing up to eternal life.” In other words, we are called to be full of the Holy Spirit, who refines us, refreshes us, corrects us and empowers us to live lives that are pleasing to him. Church of God! Listen…In God’s work, we work together as a team and the Holy Spirit empowers us! God is looking to use you! The Holy Spirit is present already among us! We know this because Jesus said: “They will know that you are my disciples by the way you love each other.” So, Love each other a love so genuine, so Christlike! Always will the good of the other, despite a rough environment. Seek God’s face, and be filled with the Holy Spirit. Amen.


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