In the confusion of tensions between Rome and Israel’s leaders, the Pharisees and Scribes were looking for a scapegoat accusing Jesus to be a spy in league with the enemy. Jesus’ reaction is still just amazing to me: (You know like when the garbage is being tossed around, keep moving, don't focus on it!) Jesus simply went on to do His Father’s work: to prepare his disciples for the most extraordinary Mission: the wonders of God Almighty! The Hebrew word used in Genesis 18 is [Pala] to mean wonders or miracles. Sara was laughing in her tent thinking: “how can I give birth at this age” because she was afraid. God told Abraham: Why did Sarah laugh? Is anything too difficult for me? In other words: “Do you think those wonders/miracles are too hard for me?” This question from God is in our faces as well this morning. I am sure you all have an urgent prayer request you would submit to God. Is that too difficult to God? Today’s Gospel invites us join Jesus’ extraordinary mission, to show God at work in our lives as we defeat dark powers. We are called to this mission as Jesus disciples, to serve our faith communities faithfully no matter what. We are told to expect adversity in this journey and that there will be tough resistance to our ministry. Jesus empowers us to carry on his ministry in the world, he sends us with his power to care like he cares and to be faithful spiritual guides for others.
This is how I picture what was going on: On one hand, I see the Pharisees and Scribes in positions of honor and power, pretending to be Israel’s shepherds but with hands off, they didn’t want to do the work required to care for people. You know that sheep stinks, right? they need help all the time but the pretending shepherds didn't care because they were distracted by their own livelihood. On the other hand, we see Jesus with people, teaching, preaching and healing, all of which contributes to peace and healing of souls. All Jesus could see was lost souls without guides, harassed with traditions and helpless, anxious and sick. Jesus says they looked like sheep without shepherds. Do you know what his mission was? To bring them back into God’s fold, because in all honesty, they cannot find their way back home on their own, they need us. They have been through a lot. Examples? People who feel unworthy to come to our churches; those deep in loneliness craving for someone to call and have a chat. In February, a boat full of migrants capsized. Overwhelming tears and lament everywhere, even in our own community: Wed Memphis lost a 4-year-old girl Sequoia Samuels.
Yes, there is bad news around us but this, should not discourage us. We have good news in our communities: You! You bring the wonders of God/power of God in our midst. Don’t underestimate the power of prayer! People need us, our time, our money. It is an investment in those who will not pay you back. So, what are we afraid of? Why won’t we be courageous and ask what we can do to further the mission of God’s Kingdom? We are all called, but sadly only a few responds to God’s call. I pray that we develop a discernment eye to what needs our attention and God will raise those amongst us to do it. Bishop N.T Wright says in his commentary that Jesus’ followers ought to be healers, restorers, people who will bring life and hope to others. Don’t be afraid to lay your hands on each other and pray for healing!
Remember sheep are food for the wolves. But even so, Jesus asks us to be wise and cunning because the environment of wolves is bent on destruction. It may be dangerous to go out in dangerous places, so don’t go out unwisely, run away, if necessary. Jesus did it too. How does wise sheep handle wolves? You might ask. We are to learn how to survive the difficult, the toxic, not responding with brutal force or aggression but responding with wisdom. Actually, not arguing is the way of love, we are to pray for people in our community, just like Jesus taught us to do. God’s new life is to break into our communities. I mean Pala: God’s wonders and miracles in our midst. Observe God’s hand at work! Don’t miss it! LET US PRAY
Lord, Turn our hearts towards you! Show us what pleases you and give us the grace to accomplish it!
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