
Showing posts from February, 2024

Seeking The Face of Christ

If there is anything that fascinate us the most, it would be the existence of other life forms/ other worlds. We are drawn to all kinds of imaginations about life elsewhere in the Universe. Star trek? UFO’s? Are we alone in this vast Universe? Jesus comes describing the realm of his Father’s Kingdom and we are less interested? What is going on? The Gospel of Mark presents the evidence of this Kingdom, where Jesus came from. 3 Witnesses: Peter, James and John went on this trip up on a high mountain with Jesus! They described in detail what they saw and heard. Mark tells us that they were so terrified that they mumbled words just to make small talk conversation. Jesus intended us to see the evidence of God’s glory, a glimpse into the eternal if you will. They saw how changed in appearance Jesus was, and they recognized two of the most respected Israel leaders: Elijah and Moses. Was Jesus showing them a window into his eternal Kingdom? Sort of, on-the-job training and mentoring? Is that ...

True Freedom In Christ's Embrace!

We live in a world so sophisticated that we have answers to many questions on our finger tips: We have google/ Artificial Intelligence or new medical equipment that makes surgeries less invasive and more effective. In some way, this progress offers great freedom and efficiency which wouldn’t be available otherwise. But, if we are being honest with ourselves, we recognize the dilemma that still, not all our questions and concerns will find solutions despite all this progress. We run into the danger of hailing this human progress much higher in the place of God. We were made to worship God, if we don’t, we will substitute anything in God’s place. Isaiah warned Israel about putting creatures in the place of God and fearing them more than we should fear God. This prompted God to ask: “Are those fit to be my rivals? To whom will you compare me, or who is my equal? The people of God had been under a lot of distress in Assyrian and Babylonian captivity and forgot the power of their God, and ...

Scatter-brained? Look To Jesus!

As you know, I still struggle with English idioms even if I have lived-in English-speaking world for decades. There is a new one I recently acquired: To be scatter-brained or mentally scattered. I looked it up: It seemed to describe a situation when our lives have a bunch of things going on at once, and multiple things to manage in each of those areas … it can feel really messy and scattered. This kind of feeling of messiness can cause us stress. We all have been there before, haven’t we? We learn to put up a good face because we don’t want the world to know that we are not in control! Am I right? This is a human trait. We all go through life differently; face different battles and we react differently. Some of us may use aspirin or melatonin (Sleep aid) to cope better, and others develop new ways of coping with stress, some positive and others negative. The Gospel of Mark does not tell us everything about all the people Jesus met. He mentions some really amazing healings that stood ...