True Freedom In Christ's Embrace!
We live in a world so sophisticated that we have answers to many questions on our finger tips: We have google/ Artificial Intelligence or new medical equipment that makes surgeries less invasive and more effective. In some way, this progress offers great freedom and efficiency which wouldn’t be available otherwise. But, if we are being honest with ourselves, we recognize the dilemma that still, not all our questions and concerns will find solutions despite all this progress. We run into the danger of hailing this human progress much higher in the place of God. We were made to worship God, if we don’t, we will substitute anything in God’s place. Isaiah warned Israel about putting creatures in the place of God and fearing them more than we should fear God. This prompted God to ask: “Are those fit to be my rivals? To whom will you compare me, or who is my equal? The people of God had been under a lot of distress in Assyrian and Babylonian captivity and forgot the power of their God, and Isaiah reminded them to trust in God their creator who strengthens the powerless. How interesting that just like Israel, often when we are under stress; assailed by many difficulties, we tend to look for help elsewhere but to God. Mark gave us a glimpse into a day spent with Jesus, and we recognize the same God of the Old Testament in Jesus where his presence heals people left and right, casting out demons, proclaiming the message of the Gospel everywhere. No matter what may assails us, true freedom can only be found in the Son of God Jesus Christ.
Amongst those things that can assails us are illnesses; financial difficulties; broken relationships; or battles with the forces of darkness. Others may not be as obvious to us, like our belief system: Well, I am nice! That’s all that the Gospel asks of me. No! Wrong. Unfortunately, this belief system can prevent us from understanding the real nature and power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ to save. Being a follower of Jesus Christ is demanding! There is a cost. Our entire worldview, our culture, our lifestyle has to adapt to the standards of the Gospel not the other way around. Jesus demonstrated that those who walked with him, experienced the healing power of His Gospel.
Case in point: Simon’s mother-in-law was healed and began to serve. An example to all of us: You are in good health? Go serve Christ. Your wounds are getting healed every day? Go serve Christ! Take a moment and place your trust in Jesus! Perhaps for some of us, it will be the courage to jump into one of the service areas here at St Andrew’s and serve: Family & Children’s ministry, Daughters of the King, Tuesday Ladies Bible Study, Men’s Group, Rosary prayer Group, EYC, OSL and many more… Be at it with all your heart and strength: Following Jesus is not about being nice and I am all good. Done! No, it is a tough journey that begins with our self-denial, serving Christ by serving others.
We were made to worship God; to praise God for his power to heal our infirmities and dysfunctions. The issue we often run into, when our faith runs out and our capacity to endure patiently the pain and suffering that life throws at us is gradually diminished. Just like Israelites, spiritually at ground zero, the intensity of our pain makes us forget how powerful our God is, to intervene in our situations. We lose ourselves in our pain that we don’t think straight and remember the sinner’s prayer: “Lord Jesus, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner!” God said many times in the Bible: “Call on my name, you shall be saved!”
So, take courage; don’t be afraid of what has been assailing you, and causing you to lose your peace; embrace the cross of Christ; lean into your pain, like Jesus did, let him take your pain according to his will. Experience true freedom in Christ’s embrace!
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