Nourrished By God in His Way
“Unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you have no life in you.” Jesus declared. Those are puzzling words that only the Spirit of God can illumine our understanding regarding the mystery behind Jesus’ words. Have you ever been misunderstood? I guess that’s a yes. It can be painful. For those who have lived in countries that do not speak your language? You understand. Jesus had laid out exactly in no uncertain terms what he meant by our having communion with him. To his audience, it sounded gross and unthinkable. So, Jesus had to ask: “ Do you take offense at this ?” We take offense all the time at things in our earthly Kingdoms. Life in God’s Kingdom is different. Maybe some mystery we won’t understand, but our spiritual lives need to be nourished in God’s Kingdom. If not, first anemia and starvation in the death zone. This is what I call the implications of life in God’s Kingdom. For e.g. If you live in America, you have to follow its laws. It won’t matter ...