Nourrished By God in His Way
“Unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you have no life in you.” Jesus declared. Those are puzzling words that only the Spirit of God can illumine our understanding regarding the mystery behind Jesus’ words. Have you ever been misunderstood? I guess that’s a yes. It can be painful. For those who have lived in countries that do not speak your language? You understand. Jesus had laid out exactly in no uncertain terms what he meant by our having communion with him. To his audience, it sounded gross and unthinkable. So, Jesus had to ask: “Do you take offense at this?” We take offense all the time at things in our earthly Kingdoms. Life in God’s Kingdom is different. Maybe some mystery we won’t understand, but our spiritual lives need to be nourished in God’s Kingdom. If not, first anemia and starvation in the death zone. This is what I call the implications of life in God’s Kingdom. For e.g. If you live in America, you have to follow its laws. It won’t matter if you misunderstood the government’s principles, you will still have to pay taxes and obey its laws. All governments are demanding Kingdoms and their citizens have to comply. The Kingdom of God is somehow different. Although it has its own citizens’ requirements, none is forced into it. When Jesus spoke those words, Israel listened and was offended alongside many of Christ’s followers. There lies the biggest test for our spiritual lives: Do you want to live in this Kingdom of God? Learn. The bottom line is: Without divine nourishment from Christ, we are as good as dead spiritually.
Jesus meant it 100%. Was it hard to understand the mystery? No doubt! Is it vital for life in God’s Kingdom? YES. By the way, we already know the requirements of the Kingdoms of the world (Taxes and voting.) Yet, we have a hard time with the workings of God’s Kingdom, while the only requirement; the glue to everything is faith. Simon Peter said: “We have come to believe and know that you are the holy one of God.” In other words, he was saying: “I accept and I believe in your words of life; words of eternal life; words of true hope.” The Kingdom of God requires faith…
Check out the words in the Kingdoms of the world. On a dollar bill is inscribed [Novus Ordo Seclorum] A New World Order: A good ideal to pursue that says: Finally, we are going to get it right! It inspires hope! The UN Motto is Peace, Dignity and Equality. I am not trying to be too pessimistic here about world governments’ achievements, but results are dismal. We, Humans always manage to get further away from the original ideals. Are we doing our very best with the challenges on our hands? Jesus is speaking to us from His Kingdom’s perspective: [“Come to me, no matter what is ailing you, all of you who are weary with heavy burdens, I want to heal you, my burden is light, enter into divine communion with me; believe in me; feed on me so you may be able to dwell in me, as I dwell in you.”]
The problem of humanity is that we have always loved darkness more than the light, we have loved and chosen the wide road taken by many, because we think it’s the best, but it’s the wrong choice because it only leads to destruction. The Israelites were also known to choose the same wide road: Time and time again, they chose other gods and forgot their God. God told them through Joshua to make a final choice: “Put away the gods of your ancestors and serve me”. They were asked whom they shall serve. Joshua told them that he and his household chose to serve the Lord. Joshua chose the narrow way, which leads to life. That choice is still ours.
No matter where you find yourself at, whatever circumstances, God cares deeply about you. Choose God’s Road today, and it begins at Holy Eucharist. Feed on him in your heart by faith with thanksgiving.
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