Jesus: Are You Able to Drink From The Cup I drink?

Jesus asked questions that I think should be at the center of our study. How we respond shows our position in relation to the Kingdom of Heaven. Twice Jesus asked: What do you want me to do for you? Initially, this question made me think about my own struggles and my most pressing need to be sorted out. What is it that you want God to do for you? Will your choice address your physical needs or your spiritual needs? God cares for both. How hard is it for us to recognize our need to amend our whole way of life to conform to the Bible's New Testament life? Is this the bottom line we are afraid of? That we won't be able to follow Jesus fully? Often our wants and desires show how less concerned we are with our souls’ welfare. Jesus cares about our total healing; a life full of joy and peace. To be perfectly honest, nowadays joy and peace are the most missing or rare ingredients in our lives, why? Because it’s easy to approach life the wrong way: We all have ideas of what will make us happy. James and John went for their own version of joy and peace: They asked Jesus for a better seat in his soon coming government. That’s exactly what we often ask Jesus for, to fix only certain areas of our lives! Jesus had the most amazing response: “You don’t know what you’re asking! Can you drink the cup that I drink? Can you be baptized with the Baptism I am baptized with?” In other words, can you go through the same experience as me? Jesus meant his experiences on the cross! This is a question every believer should be prepared to answer. Are we ready to wrestle with that question? True Christian believers are those who follow Jesus every day of their lives, and no adverse life experience will deter them from seeking God’s Kingdom because they face Jesus’ way of the cross head on. We are at a great loss, when we misunderstand Jesus’ way. St Clare of Assisi said that “we become what we love and who we love shapes what we become.” Following Jesus will eventually intersect Jesus’ journey. It will involve the cross. Meditate on Jesus’ journey to the cross; his resurrection. It will undoubtedly draw you into God’s purpose for you. What will be our focus? Will it be your personal ambitions or God’s presence in everything you do? I prefer God's presence in all that I deal with. Like the ambitions of James and John and those who were mad at them, for being so bold to ask Jesus for positions in God's Kingdom, we are facing life the wrong way: What if our wants and desires are incompatible with God’s Kingdom and values. The ways of the world are distinct: King Henry the 8th expected to be served, not to serve. This is exactly what we expect from our Kings here on earth. Christ the King of the Universe clearly says: "I came to serve, not to be served." Let’s face it: the life of the world in us tells us: You deserve to be served! And it's true that we love to served. Yet the life of God in us says: You are God’s workmanship created for God's good works. You are very valuable in the eyes of God your maker. If God tells you that He loves you, Believe Him! His standard of greatness is different: It is the cross first! There is no crown before the cross, even if the world promises a crown using short-cut ways! That’s why Jesus asked us: “Are you ready to be baptized in my baptism?" Meaning to be submerged in the way of the cross?” When we are in the midst of our own suffering, nursing our own wounds and experiencing hate, misunderstanding… That’s when Jesus says to us: “I will be with you through it all. Remember I went through it. I will heal you with my own wounds and my blood will cleanse you of all unrighteousness… It is by my wounds that you are healed. I will hold you in the palm of my hand to heal you and give you lasting joy and peace in the midst of your darkest moments.” Believe God’s word! It is truth. Jesus was not asking for our own ideas of wellness, joy and peace. He was asking us to look to him for wellness, joy and peace. Unfortunately, the world also presents its own attractive ideas of wellness, joy and peace. Don’t believe those! I know it’s advertised everywhere saying: If you buy my product, you will be the happiest in the whole world! No,it's great line but it's misleading! That’s not Jesus’ message. He says as we read in Hebrews 5: “Although He was a Son, he learned obedience through what he suffered" So,in humility, let go of your need to control outcomes, have faith my child, for I am with you!” Amen.


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