Christmas Reflection 2024

Instead of a 5-star hotel or a royal nursery, it was rather away in the manger that the King & savior of the world would be born. In all of Bethlehem city, there was no room left, in the same way that there is still no room for him in many people’s hearts. We all have often said publicly that we’ve been busy with other things (created things), and we said we had no time for God. But God spoke to Isaiah about the coming of the Good News! Sort of saying: “Worry no longer with your busy schedules and lifestyle! Relax, a Savior is about to be born unto you.” God had hoped that we would abandon everything else we thought was important and return back to him. He reached out to us with a gift: His only son coming as a baby in the manger. His plan was to fight the world’s darkness with his light. We are encouraged to consider what it means to bring the light into our homes. Perhaps in your household, you could consider an activity that give room to Jesus. Tonight, we are given an opportunity to give Jesus a room in our hearts, so He can begin transforming us and save us! Save us from ourselves because at times we are our own worst enemy especially when we lack love for one another, and when we are impatient with each other and unforgiving. Baby Jesus had come to bring life, love and forgiveness in all our relationships. He came to remove our sin, our guilt and shame, and to heal us. Will you say yes to Him tonight so you can begin a new relationship with Him. Yes, make a room for baby Jesus in your heart! Amen.


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